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Johnny Depp wants to buy the site of Wounded Knee massacre and give it back to the Native Americans

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Johnny Depp wants to buy the site of Wounded Knee massacre and give it back to the Native Americans
Johnny Depp has announced that he wants to buy Wounded Knee, a national historic landmark, and give it back to the Indian people. In an interview with the Mail On Sunday, the actor revealed that he is ready to spend millions in order to give the Native American people control of the land that was
the site of a brutal 1890 massacre.  ‘It’s very sacred ground and many atrocities were committed against the Sioux there,' he said in the interview.  Tragic: Big Foot, leader of the Sioux, is seen here as he lay frozen in the ground after the fighting at Wounded Knee. The legendary leader died in that battle with American troops
Investment: Johnny Depp researched Native American history for his role as Tonto, the Indian sidekick to the Lone Ranger, but that attention to detail hasn't helped in the box office as it is being deemed a flop
Heritage: Depp announced that he [..]
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